Monday, May 18, 2009


Travesty, something that has been grotesquely misrepresentation of something...

So with this definition in mind I would like to have a small discussion about clothing. There is a travesty in the clothing industry of the world. It comes in the form of the color "Barney Purple" (BP), and is straight out of the eighties, and would do better returning to the grave in which i died in...

Barney Purple, I did make this name up, but it is intended to differentiate itself from other colors of purples that are out there. Most purple is ok, and looks good on girls, but that one color is a degradation of the soul, I can't see how they don't feel the pulling down of there self image while wearing it...

So here is my plea to all the girls that have a shirt in this horrid color, burn in. As a witch on a stake in olden times, burn it. And if you happen to see one hanging in the discount section of Ross, Goodwill, or Salvation Army, do the rest of the world a favor and purchase it to burn and purge the world of this Travesty of fashion...


  1. Are you funding this "Buy and Burn" campaign?

  2. hell no... you all have to do it out of the kindness of your own hearts...
