Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Everybody dance...

Every once in a while when walking down the street something happens that is not normally looked at as being "normal" in society in this day and age. Be it you, or the guy who just walked out of Hodgens Drugs, one of you has an Ipod blasting away in the ears, surely causing cancer and the ears to bleed profusely, though you can't see it because the ear buds are blocking the blasts and jets of blood from recreating a scene from a Monty Python movie.

Well whether it is you or him, one of you is a little bit too much into the song at that fleeting span of time, and just had what can only be described as a "Michel Jackson moment" in the middle of the sidewalk right in front of you, or right in front of him.

Whether or not it was only mouthing the words and throwing the head around, probable horribly out of beat, or actually bursting out into the song, and at worst (I believe best) doing a quick whip spin and pointing up into the air in a pose of triumph, for only a a second, the other person DID just see that, and on the inside can't hold back the floodgates of laughter that have just had all of the seas released upon it.

As you look at him you both know what has happened, and refraining from "having a bonding moment" together, gazes are quickly averted to the sky, or the squirrel that just ran up the old guys leg across the street, nothing is to be said of this time that was shared between you and him on the street as both parties part. So I urge anyone that has just had themselves one of these MJ moments, to go ahead and liven it up, who knows you might make a new best friend that day...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Big Black Beatles...

Something that I wrote a long time ago, on a plane from Philadelphia to Seattle. My cousin was on the plane with me and thought that is sucked... Well if it ever becomes famous, I will frame a copy for her for Christmas...

Big Black Beatles

They fly in the night to hide the shame,
of what has become of their name,
the horror of that summer day,
when all colors gave away.

With pensive thought,
and a passive nature,
and on graceful wings to soar,
they fly on for evermore.

For far is their journey,
and wide is the search,
to find the colors,
of their true worth.

But this loss,
was not in vain,
for they found to fly,
is their greatest gain...

Oh, and the best part of the story behind this poem is that I left a copy in the seat pocket so that others could find it and read and enjoy it as well. And now I leave something to the same superbness as that one, so be looking...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sound effects...

BOOM!, ZIP, ZOUZA, wooOOOO...OOOooow, DO, DONG, POW, DA DA DA!, DOODE, SPLAT, KAPOW, and many more random high pitched noises that come out in our everyday conversation are a necessity to life.

I am a firm believer that the sounds that we create when we talk to others should be a natural thing that happens everyday that we still breath. Yes it is true that you could just say "the car crashed into the tree and made a loud noise" but that isn't half as cool as, "the car hit the tree and BOOOOOSSSHHHCCCAAAABOOOOOM!!!" and throwing your hands up in the air is also a must at this point of stories.

I do understand that not everyone witnesses a car running into a tree everyday and exploding on impact, but you can always have a sound ready for any occasion... say that you have been involve in a gun shooting, don't say "and I was shot at," even if you say it with much enthusiasm it doesn't compare to; "and they shot at my like BANGBANGBANG!! RATATTATTATTAT!! PEWPEWPEW!! ZIPZOUNDZING!!!" with spittle spewing on all listeners, but they won't care that you just gave them your cold and many other hidden things from deep in your body, they will be way too enthralled by your story...

So think about the next time that you are going to tell someone about what happened to you today, is there a place for the hands to fly and the lips to fling spit to enhance your story? If so, do...

Friday, March 27, 2009


Landfills, that was the focus of topic in a class that I was in earlier today. The instructor was saying that that "landfills will never go away." Never? that's a big statement, like Obama's when he said that he would cure cancer in his presidency.

Anyway, I have been thinking about creation, and the natural entropy on man build structures and other things. I could go off at this point on many tangents about bad architecture and building things out of cheep materials so that companies can keep selling you and I the same stuff over and over again, but that I will save for another time. What I was really thinking, and trying to wrap my brain around, is what would happen to the world and all the stuff that we have created if all the human population, all the beings that have a this GREAT NEED to build things to have our lives made easier, died.

This idea, that no one would ever be roaming the earth anymore, is hard to think of. It is like trying to think about eternity, the universe and the lack of confinement to it, or how creepy kids television programs have become, just not really comprehensible. I always tend to think that there is always someone that is out there, like Mad Max, where is he in all of this? But you have to be able to think of human life as being completely annihilated.

Well to the point, I know that after a while, a long while, a long long while, so long of a while that evolutionists would cringe in fear of this length, that all the buildings, cars, boats, trash, and everything else that man has created, would return into the earth and the world would be as it was when first created by God. I find it crazy to think about, yet I know that if life ever stopped in the world, this fate that entropy would have in store, and does have in store, for all things, would come to pass. And that landfill that my professor said would never go away, would become a field that little furry creatures would play and romp and frolic in...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Names. They are a funny thing. Multiple people are walking this planet with the same name attached to them as hoards of others others around. It seems that there are two interesting happenings that occur with this overabundance of people and a lack of differing names for all of them.

1. Somehow, all, or at least most of the people with similar names in this world, that have had the lotto wheel of names spun for them by those multi-organism being that brought their sorry little red butt into the world, look strangely similar to the other. Walking down the street you might see someone and say to yourself, "that looks like a Sarah, or a Gus, or a John, or a Mike" and you would probably be right if not very close. This strange phenomenon never fails to give me the heebiejeebies...

2. The other is this: even if you don't know the name of the person that you are talking to, you can still throw out a totally random name. Say he looks like John, just say it, and if you are not right they will kindly correct you with a "oh no, it's Jimmy," and there you have it, the mystery is solved, and the conversation can go on. Well most of them look the same anyway, so it is safe to say that you can just throw or drop names all over without consequence, like the crumbs of cookies from the Cookie Monsters mouth when he "eats" his treats. Unless you happen to get the snob that must have his name, "Zenderfield" said right (and if you can imagine that with a little chest poof it would be preferred) or he and his mother, and mother before her, and even her mother, will have a nervous breakdown right in front of you and storm off crying into the back room head in hands...

Of course there are people like me in the world. I don't care what you call me, as long as it isn't a name that needs asterisks in it to keep children's eyes from reading it. Case in point, I have been called Caleb by a barista for a few months, and I don't blame her, I do live with a Caleb that is similar in looks to me. I just don't care that much, as long as I am recognised by others as breathing, I'm fine with being called a Caleb or whatever else...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The old...

Have you ever been walking down a street and heard a dog barking at you. I'm sure everyone has, but have you ever looked at that dog and noticed that it was not the young pup that you had envisioned in your head, but rather an old grandpa of a dog that is barely standing on its own feet. Paying attention even closer, you might notice that that dog isn't even looking at you anymore. He knows that you are there, and he would love for you to leave so he can go back to doing whatever old dogs do at that age (I'm sure there have been studies done to find out), but his focus is elsewhere. It is as if he has become like an old geezer (I'm sure we all know at least one old geezer), that yells at little kids at a birthday party for little Timmy, because they came into the room that he was "taking a nap in" or "just resting the eyes for a bit in." He, the dog and the geezer, refuses to open his eyes to look at them, and even if you or the children stand as still as you could, so still that a T-Rex wouldn't see you, he always still seems to know that you and they are there and keeps on insisting with barks and moans, that the intruder leaves at once. And as long as the presence of a being can be felt the noises will not stop, and even as you walk away, you can still hear the warnings to you and others not to return...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

That guy...

I was thinking tonight, I feel sorry for all the guys that thought that technology wasn't ever going to win out over older methods. Think about it, there WAS some guy, that when Mr. Bell came out with the telephone, thought that it was never going to fly. This guy HAD to go around buying up all the rights to things like Mores Code machines, the Pony Express, boy runners, and all things of that sort. I bet he was giggling himself to sleep each night with the thought that when this new "idea" fell, he was going to be SOOOO rich because HE, held all the rights to the old ways that were proven true, worthy, and faultless. But in the end the phone did catch on, and that guy was left with 'ashes in his hands' so to speak. I feel sorry for that guy...

This is it, and "it" might be bad news for all the world...

So I decided that to impact the world, I must have a blog. And this blog will start off as a nothing, and then grow, and oh how fast it will grow, so fast that peoples eyes will explode out of their heads as they try to proses all the information (or lack of said information) that is inputted upon their brains. I will overcome the odds, and rule with a iron fist... a fist that slams that keys of any and all computers that I can create a BLOGGING from... yes, and then I will have no reason to keep going when all is said and done, that I will release all the world back to whence it came, and all will be as it was before...