Thursday, March 26, 2009


Names. They are a funny thing. Multiple people are walking this planet with the same name attached to them as hoards of others others around. It seems that there are two interesting happenings that occur with this overabundance of people and a lack of differing names for all of them.

1. Somehow, all, or at least most of the people with similar names in this world, that have had the lotto wheel of names spun for them by those multi-organism being that brought their sorry little red butt into the world, look strangely similar to the other. Walking down the street you might see someone and say to yourself, "that looks like a Sarah, or a Gus, or a John, or a Mike" and you would probably be right if not very close. This strange phenomenon never fails to give me the heebiejeebies...

2. The other is this: even if you don't know the name of the person that you are talking to, you can still throw out a totally random name. Say he looks like John, just say it, and if you are not right they will kindly correct you with a "oh no, it's Jimmy," and there you have it, the mystery is solved, and the conversation can go on. Well most of them look the same anyway, so it is safe to say that you can just throw or drop names all over without consequence, like the crumbs of cookies from the Cookie Monsters mouth when he "eats" his treats. Unless you happen to get the snob that must have his name, "Zenderfield" said right (and if you can imagine that with a little chest poof it would be preferred) or he and his mother, and mother before her, and even her mother, will have a nervous breakdown right in front of you and storm off crying into the back room head in hands...

Of course there are people like me in the world. I don't care what you call me, as long as it isn't a name that needs asterisks in it to keep children's eyes from reading it. Case in point, I have been called Caleb by a barista for a few months, and I don't blame her, I do live with a Caleb that is similar in looks to me. I just don't care that much, as long as I am recognised by others as breathing, I'm fine with being called a Caleb or whatever else...

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