Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Leave The Paper Alone...

Why do they put perforated edges on pieces of paper when they don't want you to rip off those bits?...

Here I am, trying to get some important banking documentation done, and they hand me a paper and tell me to get a signature on it from somebody, I won't say who, and bring it back in to finalize the deal. So I do what they say, gain the signature with much vigour, and happy with my work I look at the document and see that it has some nice little holes lining the small signature boxes. Like bubble wrap in a shipped package they called out to me, and they were too irresistible to ignore...

So in a rampage of excited folding and taring and happy crumpling and tossing of excess paper, I used those little lines made of holes and freed my document of unnecessary cluttering paper bits...

When I arrived at the bank, glad that the task at hand was over and one with, I walked into the lobby of the building where all the monies are magically transformed into little digits on a computer. Triumphantly I placed the document on the counter and ask that I be treated as a respectable citizen, and that the banker come and greet me with a hearty handshake. Then the teller looked at the little piece of paper that I had placed before him, and laughed...

He told me that I had to do my work all over again. That this document would not be able to be processed by there printer. Right in front of my eyes he held the signed document up on high, and tore it in half, in such a way as to resemble the Pharisees rending their garments at a blasphemous outcry...

So if they don't want somebody to do something, why do they make it overly easy to do it? Why do you give me the joy of perforated edges on pieces of paper when you want the whole piece to be intact when I give it back?... I don't understand it...