Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Advertising at work...

I know that most everyone out there watched to Superbowl, and why? For the ads of course. Who really watched the game, or knows who won?...

Of course the day after this massive staple for advertising brought some interesting news to me...

I love ads that make me laugh and that make fun of themselves. Take for instance the Snickers commercial, it was the highest rated ad of all of them by viewers, I also personally loved the Doritos ad with the guys in the gym. And against all chance of being thought of as being cool, I really thought that the Coke ad that included the Simpson was a great idea. But what I have realized was that none of these was the best advertising there. Do you think you know what the best one was?... Watch what was the BEST one and think about it for a while, and find the genius in it...

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