Monday, April 6, 2009


Never in my life did I think of being tempted as small matters, but I never thought of being tempted in small matters. A temptation has to be something huge right? Someone on the street corner scantly clad calling your name, like it talks about all over in Proverbs. That or a long strung out series of events or trials that don't have anything to do with what you are, as if you were crashed on an island that had a bunch of crazy wild creatures and natives that were out for your blood, and it took a year for anyone to find you, and you had to live off the vegetation and other grub that you could scrounge up, but of course you will persevere and come out on top. But I never thought that much about the everyday, individual, temptations that people fall to.

I heard from someone that C. S. Lewis wrote (because I haven't read it yet) that the devil will temp you in little things throughout the day, food, drink, reading, whatever you like to do. It is the devils way to keep your focus off the important and on the unimportant.

I have found this to be true in life lately. Here I sit, in the middle of fasting, and I have been bombarded with more chances to eat good food inside of this week than I ever do in a two month span. Even right now I have a chocolate coin that someone gave me a moment ago sitting by the keyboard as I type, and I am chuckling at how low that was of the devil, and thanking God for everything...

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